Thursday 13 January 2011

I am flat Stanley


I loved the book Flat Stanley when I was a wee girl growing up. His adventures being posted here and there and being able to do super-human things as he was only half an inch thick really grabbed my imagination. What has stuck with me for my life thus far is the title 'Flat Stanley' - I have always used it to describe my emotions when I am flat.

Today, I am flat Stanley.

We have had four days of constant rain in these parts and it's starting to get to me. Not just pitter patter rain, either - I'm talking nice hard as a rock balls of water. The ground is so wet you can't walk on it - and there is no reprieve for this rain until late in the weekend, from what I have heard. On top of this weird Summer rain (let's all admit it - we have climate change, peoples!) Victoria has unseasonal humidity. High humidity. I am accustomed to a dry heat, not a sticky, tropical heat...and here we are with four days of heavy rain and 90% humidity. It completely zaps you.

I feel utterly helpless with the Queensland floods, the Summer is no-where to be seen, we have two kids who are in 'arguing mode' (when is school going back??) and none of us want to go out in this weather. Perhaps it's a case of cabin fever? Either way, today I am flat Stanley...I really hope I perk up tomorrow!

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