What a funny time I have had recently. I have been taking some time out from the business - for a number of reasons - and I have been enjoying myself, I have to say. I have been resting up a bit with my gallbladder nausea and pain (why oh why did the surgeon cancel???!!) but have given myself 'thinking time' to ensure my days are creative, fun and just a little challenging...
I shall be 35 on Wednesday. Wha? Thirty. Five. Where did that come from? Just yesterday I was running around RMIT doing all things university students should do, then I was in my 20s getting the career going, then I had my first child at 30...and, well, since being a Mum time is just bloody
flying. I keep trying to take time out to enjoy the kids more but it only makes me think how much they have grown!
Time flies. Too. Fast.
I have been thinking and contemplating a lot this year. About life, love and everything else. But mainly about me. Who am I? What do I love? What do I want to do for the rest of my life etc. I think all of this was triggered by that horrid attack the day before NYE when I thought I was dying from a frigging bad crab stick. Ended up being gall stones - but the attacks I had before I got that confirmed triggered off some type of anxiety within me.
I have so much to do. I don't want to die. It's too early.At the end of the day I love writing. I have made the majority of my career writing - not crappola blog writing like this, but corporate writing and copywriting. I've won awards for radio ads, print ads and ad campaigns. I've won awards for my playwriting and poetry. I've written too many annual reports, strategic reports and business plans for
other people. I write funny stories for people, tidbits to me and freelance to write brochures, adspeak and speeches. Hmmm.
Without my writing I feel a little lost. It is my creative outlet. So I have decided to return to freelancing later this year to keep myself in the loop and functioning as I should. But in the meantime while my son is young I have started turning my phrases into art. Gocco here I come - when I have the time! My art will be my writing, personal writing, aimed at helping others enjoy their life too...
Supplying vintage fabric to people who want or need vintage fabric is only just so fulfilling, I have realised. I love Retro Age and would never stop doing it, but it doesn't speak to my core. So I am pulling back a little over the coming months to embrace myself more, instead of working all of the time.
Still have lots of eye candy for you, though :)