Oh lordy....here I am at 5am with insomnia...and what do I do? Oh course I twiddle my thumbs in front of the computer and run around looking at internet sites I haven't come across before...
And what do I find?
The end of the rainbow....
Twenty Twenty One - a shop in England - sells reproduced Lucienne Day textiles online....and other gorgeous vintage and new bits and pieces - like the Stig Lin The site is a wonder...
Here's a direct link to their Lucienne Day textiles...I have featured some of their stock above...gorgeous, isn't it?
Lucienne Day has to be one of the most eminent textile designers you can collect. We have come across two of her pieces - one 4m piece went to the UK and was resold and we have another piece here - two pairs of cafe curtains. Used, but sublime...
As far as I know Lucienne Day is still alive and holds copyright on her textile designs. It is only recently reproductions have been authorised...I know of no 'fake' textiles produced in the UK or elsewhere....
Below - pottery cushion and lusgarden cushion by Stig Lindberg, also for sale on the website....

Love her work! This stuff is just absolutely gorgeous!