We have been steadily working on our little vintage fabric zippered pouches. We are on about our 'third' variation, I reckon - but I am really striving for something I feel is well worth the time and effort to make - and buy...

We have been unhappy with the interfacing method - it gives the pouch structure but it doesn't give it density, nor firmness. It allows the pouches to break their form and bend too easily. So, we have been mucking about with new sizes - and a new quilting method.

We chose to work with a lovely soft and pliable wool batting - not too thick, but thick enough it would hold it's form and straightness (for want of a better word). And we're delighted with our latest batch, I have to say. They feel like a pouch should - thickish, firm, strong. Not thin or whispish. So we've produced some lovely 12" long ones (without wristlet - we're still working on that part) and some cute little 6 x 4" ones that are perfecto for coin purses or for something small while you're out and only need some lippy, cards and moulah...

The brown 1970s retro super graphic print is a money purse - and it's divine, with a gorgeous retro geometric gold interior. We have about three 12" pouches and a couple of money purses in stock.

The pink one is also just gorgeous - but in a different way. This is the only 12" one we have made - and we're now out of this fabric so it's a definite one off! It's lined with romantic 1960s pink and white polks dot fabric and just so feminine and pretty. We also have two money purses in stock...
It finally feels like we're getting somewhere! Woo hoo :)