Sunday, 28 June 2009

A special event - Pablo Picasso vintage fabric


This Pablo Picasso Bloomcraft piece defies description. It's a full selvedge to selvedge piece - and features a mirror reflection design. Absolute genius.

Pablo Picasso vintage fabric

The power of these designs/drawings/paintings is in the detail. There is so much in the design you have to force yourself to appreciate the minute details - to literally stop, pause and delight.

Pablo Picasso vintage fabric

I love the flowing hair and the movement in the horses mane. It breathes such life into this piece. I get a little tired of looking at static fabric design that is not 'drawn', but rather designed as a basic and interlocking pattern. This piece wasn't. It was painted as a picture and then adapted to fabric. But it works magnificently.

Pablo Picasso vintage fabric


  1. these fabrics are so amazing!

    at first glance, they're way too busy for my tastes, but when you look at the detail... ooh, the detail! they're beautiful!

  2. this is SO great. I hadn't seen this one. :)
