Friday 30 October 2009

Another blog addiction - mel bombardiere


I can't remember when I came across the world of mel bomba. I am totally addicted to her blog, mel bombardiere. For a number of reasons. She has divine design style so her blog always had divine photos. She has a divine renovation on the go and we've been following her every step of the way - I can't wait to see what styles she chooses and what hues here and there. And now she's got a divine bump growing so that's even more anticipation...!!


On top of that she designs divine fabrics! I absolutely love her design style - I see flickering of nouveau and deco in her designs and an intricacy I don't often come across in modern boutique textile design. I adore them - they have such heart.


If you're after a fabulous blog to follow then I would highly recommend mel bombadiere - it's like a bloody good thriller novel without all of the horror and CIA stuff :) I took all of these images from her blog but you can see some other fabulous shots on her me, you'll never want to leave....


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