Imagine you were in one of the best lolly shops in the world...kind of like that one in the original Willy Wonka movie with Gene Wilder. You know the shop I mean...the one where the shop guy throws lollies all over the children, gives them as much chocolate as they want, makes them thick, delicious thick shakes...and then has the gumption, later on in the movie, to make poor Charlie pay for his tiny bars of chocolate. The nerve!
I feel a little bit like that working here. It's wonderful to be surrounded by fabric that is on the website - they are all neatly stored on bolts on rows and rows of shelving. They twinkle at us as we work.
But what isn't nice is looking at the thousands of pieces that need to still be put up for sale. I felt like it was pushing me down...almost suffocating me. I couldn't escape all of the work that needed to be done.
So I packed that fabric up. Yes - it's back in storage. I just couldn't work like that any longer. So now I pull a box out every week and work with what stock I've stacked in it. It makes for an easier way to work and I don't feel as overwhelmed. I am not going to tell you how many boxes there are - suffice it to say there are rows and rows and they are three or four boxes high.
I highly recommend distilling your work space into a clutterless environment. It has already made such a difference to us and we still have several boxes to finish packing.
And then you get surprised with the lovelies each box holds...like the vintage sheeting above. She's so sweet, isn't she?