Saturday 12 December 2009

What a happy anniversary day!

I have had a lovely day - and there is more to come!

Today is our anniversary...on this day, 11 years ago, I met the man of my dreams for some drinkies at Young and Jacksons in Melbourne. We worked for the same company for a year but had only met each other two weeks previous. I was within three weeks of leaving for a two-year teaching tour in Japan, he was within months of going back to New Zealand. Thousands of days later we are still together and have spent only six night apart - and that was when I gave birth to our boys and then spent two night in hospital getting my gallbladder removed. Had someone told me that night would change the rest of my life I would never have believed them - but, that being said, we are the products of definite love at first sight - no two ways about it. Happy 11th anniversay, babe!

This fabric really reflects my day - bright, beautiful, with a colourful spark. I love the fabric - I have been coveting it but the bolt is going up on the website this week. I think we have around 10m of it - and, yes, it's original 1940s rayon crepe...gorgeous....

PS. And I loved seeing our fabrics in the Herald Sun Home magazine today - it is always so wonderful to see our customers and their creations in print - woot!


  1. Oh I love hearing about long term romances like yours. Thank you for sharing!

  2. I am glad you liked hearing about us :)

    Have a lovely day!

