The day started out with exactly five cups of my favourite Carlton Ware coffee set that sits in our dining room. I know, I know - only five cups, but I am always living in hope I shall come across a sixth cup (I have all of the saucers). In a spin I decided to dust at 7.20am while Gabriel was having his breakfast and Logan was finishing his. Yes, I am nuts - but I seize opportunity when I can! I picked up the cups as I normally would and...

...now I have four cups. In one INSTANT Gabriel dropped something and Logan decided to throw his Spiderman bouncy ball in the kitchen and I turned...and dropped...and watched slo mo as my cup hit the dining table, the handle broke off and it slid to the ground, utterly dejected and broken. So, the day didn't start off that well at all...

...but it got better with a quick visit to the Surf Coast - Queenscliff and Point Lonsdale, in particular. We are making an effort to have as many family days as possible to relax and enjoy each others company...after our 'annus horribilus' we realise family time is very important.

So, after the Carlton Ware went off to crockery heaven we visited a piece coastal heaven and had a fabulous day :). It's so good to get away 'from it all' :)
I wish I could say, wow, fancy that, I have two cups and nothing else, here you go, but I don't. I can sympathise though. My partner reckons I have broken more things dusting than I would if I never dusted.