Somehow our first born turned six last Friday. Six. Where did that time go? I remember his birth as if it was yesterday. I remember looking down at him and saying "you'll be at school before we know it"...and he is...grade prep...a star pupil, loves learning...but he's growing up too fast!

Apart from the birthday party and list of presents (as long as my arm) he requested a visit to Scienceworks to see the Star Wars exhibition on display. We popped up to Melbourne on Saturday to see a close friend's newborn (welcome Keziah!) and had a great time spending the afternoon reading about Star Wars and the props.

I loved Star Wars. I was a 70s and 80s child so I vividly remember the movies. I even saw Battlestar Galactica at the movies (how did I manage that?) - that was the start of my Apollo and Starbuck crush. I loved those men. Still do :)

So visiting the Star Wars exhibition was not only a great celebration for Logan's birthday - but also a celebration of my childhood, too. I loved it. We're sure to be back before it leaves Melbourne in November. If you're a fan...and you live local...do yourself a favour and dive back into SW for an afternoon of kiddie fun...
Ahh, he looks so happy and satisfied!! Great birthday treat!!