Tuesday, 22 February 2011

A slight change


For once, life is more about me of late. My life focus has become more centralised, my town has become more of a community and I am finding I am quieter and more contemplative, questioning whether things should be thus or changed for a reason.

I am back to being inspired by colours and words and my creativity is building again. My dreams are more vivid and intricate. Time is slowing down a little.

It's not all business, tax and new arrivals. It's been about exercise, good food, loving and slowing and becoming more aware. I am not expecting so much of myself. I am just letting things take their course instead of trying to change the course of things.

Sorry if I sound a bit new-age-ish :)


  1. Good for you! :D It seems when we take care of ourselves, our creativity grows wings to soar.

  2. Thank you, Catherine! I am enjoying my time in the sun, so to speak!
