I have been a fan of
Loobylu's blog for a loooonggg time - can't remember when I first came across it, but I did the break thing with her and then rejoiced when she came back...now all I need to do is win one of Claire's stuffed toys on ebay and I'll be a very happy reader :)
Claire does 'what's hot and not' of a Wednesday...as I didn't have any blog plans this evening I thought I'd join in...
HOTMy creative juices are flowing and I am getting a lot of ideas - hot, I say!
I have rearranged my area of the workspace to make it more homely - very hot!
We have almost finished painting one bedroom - thank goodness hot!
We have had a wonderful year and we have a lot of be grateful for - hot, hot, hot!
The Dalai Lama in Australia - hot!
I have been baking a storm and everything is turning our perfectly - hot stuff!
I have finished our Christmas shopping - yee har hot!
NOTI am on new medication for my stomach and it is making me very tired. So not hot.
We have a leaking sky light that is hopefully being fixed by a very expensive roof dude. Very not hot.
We can't keep up with the renovations. Uncomfortably not hot.
My front yard is bare and my backyard is overgrown. Messy not hot.
Premier Brumby not meeting Dalai Lama - lame not hot.
There's much more to write but that first NOT is getting in the way - to rest, I go...