For the first time in many years I am entering a new year without New Years resolutions. I can't quite believe it. Seriously - this is an absolute first for me, one who is usually focused and goal driven. But I feel very comfortable with this - strangely. As something popped into my head a week ago that will drive 2011 for me. It's a theme for 2011 - one I am keeping close to heart. A theme to encompass my life.
2010 has been a wonderful year for me - I am very thankful to it! The most important event was Justin and I breaking free from freelance or full-time work to focus on Retro Age full-time...well, as full time as you can get with two little sons! It has been an amazing ride getting accustomed to online business and the peaks and troughs - I truly believe we need to experience a complete year of Retro Age to fully understand how this type of retail works completely. That year is up on May 1, 2011, so I'll be doing a lot of evaluation at that time.
I feel truly blessed that Retro Age has become what it has become. And I feel honoured to have so many wonderful customers who visit the site, purchase or simply keep in contact. Truly - fabric lovers are the best people! 2010 has been our biggest year thus far and we have plans already set in motion to make it much, much bigger in 2011. I can't wait!
The business is just a part of our lives. As a family unit - including my special Mum and wonderful uncle 'Dearie' we have had some great times in 2011. There has been sadness about, with my Nan, Maureen, failing in a nursing home. Every now and then her mind comes back to us and she recognises us. Most times, though, she babbles about her own demented life she lives in her own world. We spent our first Christmas without her sitting at the table this year. It was sad and strange as we don't think she will be with us for Christmas, 2011.
2011 will bring big changes for our little family. Our eldest will start at a new school that is within walking distance of us and our youngest will start kindergarten, also within walking distance. It feels nice to settle ourselves into a community - we have bikes to travel everywhere, as we want to continue our sustainable and frugal ethos. 2011 brings us our first hours without children around us - wow, what a change that will make! Time marches on, doesn't it?
I have great excitement for the coming year - I feel it will be such a memorable one! May 2011 bring you what you most need and want in life...blessings and a Happy New Year to all!
PS. Retro Age Vintage Fabrics returns to normal hours on Monday and we'll start posting all of our holiday orders on Tuesday 4 January when Australia Post reopens.