Sunday, 31 May 2009
Everything on hold
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Out of the blue comes gold Tibor

I didn't have time to take some shots today - so apologies for the lame captures from the web. We went to a place today expecting to walk away with some fabric - and then we came away with a super rare original piece of Tibor Reich's 'A Tournament' from 1967. Our jaws haven't left the coming soon...ours is the brown and black colourway and just so amazing. Tibor. Here. With me. Amazing.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009
1953 mid-century glamour and oh so gorgeous sophistication!

I think I am in mid-century interior heaven. This is cloud 9 personified. You just have to see this.
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Sunday giveaway 24 May - now up!

The Sunday giveaways have been a blast - and they continue with another four today! However - the format has changed. Still free stuff - but instead of now offering it through the blog and getting myself all confused with addresses and payments etc I have now popped them all up on a new website category called 'Sunday Giveaways'. We have some satin (above) on offer...

And some antique Aussie fur (I think??) - I am no fur expert, sorry - but they are super soft and gorgeous and even though I am anti-fur I thought someone may like to use these in some craft etc??? I would hate to throw them away :(...we estimate the pieces to be around 1930s to 1940s...

We also have two vintage embroidered baby pillowcases - so darling! Amazing embroidery, too...

And lastly we got this lovely old nylon trim from a lady I used to go to school with and who is now one of Melbourne's (Australia??) most fab 50s style dress designers/ needs to find a trim loving home!
All of the Sunday giveaways are here. Enjoy - and good luck!
Where did that week go? Shame on me...

Where on earth did that week go? Oh why oh why does life have to move so fast? Surely we should get another 100 years as compensation for life going like a veritable blur?
It's rather cold today but I have already been industrious and changed the main lounge around to a different setting. I love freshening rooms up - only one in a white, not every season like some peeps do. But at least I have found some time today to give a new look to a room we see a lot of!
We are starting our bi-annual stocktake and are checking our inventory. It takes a long time as we check every bolt, what length is left and check it up against the website. We also have to book in all fabrics we've purchased throughout the year we haven't 'booked in' yet! And there's a lot of it...there's a heap of work to do. On top of that I am tidying up the shelves of fabric not live on the website yet - if I find my courage, I'll take some shots to show you the shelving...shame on us!
Some giveaways coming up this arvo - off to have a wade through remnants for custom orders...
Be back this arvo...
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Sunday giveaway #5 - modernist mono splash fabric

Last giveaway for the day - the pink trim I took some shots of will have to wait for next week!. This giveaway is for a modern cotton with a fantastic large scale black and what BURST design. It just flies right out at you!
The piece measures 108cm wide x 120cm long.

As with all of our giveaways - this fabric is free but you must pay for the postage/packaging for it to get to you - just $3.50 for the fabric within Australia. You can pay via direct deposit or Paypal.
To win it be the first to leave a comment and then email us at vintagefabricsatgmaildotcom with your payment preference and your Paypal email for us to invoice you (if that is your payment preference)...good luck!
Sunday giveaway #4 - retro 70s patchwork quilt top

This giveaway is for a retro kitsch patchwork quilt top - we are selling it as was found in an estate - sewn, but unfinished. All it needs is batting/wadding and a base and you'd have a fabulous quilt straight from the 1970s!

It looks to be a small single bed size, measuring 88cm wide x 216cm long. All of the fabrics are cotton.

As with all of our giveaways - this quilt top is free but you must pay for the postage/packaging for it to get to you - just $7.00 for the quilt within Australia. You can pay via direct deposit or Paypal.
To win it be the first to leave a comment and then email us at vintagefabricsatgmaildotcom with your payment preference and your Paypal email for us to invoice you (if that is your payment preference)...good luck!

Sunday giveaway #3 - mint 70s cotton pillowcases

This is the second set of pillowcases we're giving away today. They were also wrapped in a sheet set - we shall be listing the sheets on our website at a later date.

They have never been used and still have their original folds. They measure 72cm x 46cm and there are two pillocases - they're all cotton, too!

As with all of our giveaways - these pillowcases are free but you must pay for the postage/packaging for them to get to you - just $3 for the pillowcases within Australia. You can pay via direct deposit or Paypal.
To win them be the first to leave a comment and then email us at vintagefabricsatgmaildotcom with your payment preference and your Paypal email for us to invoice you (if that is your payment preference)...good luck!
Sunday giveaway #2 - mint 70s cotton pillowcases

These pillowcases were part of a wrapped sheet set we have in stock - we are just about to put the sheets up on the website but I thought the pillowcases would make a lovely giveaway!

They have never been used and are still in their original fold. They measure 72cm x 46cm and there are two pillowcases...pure cotton, too.

As with all of our giveaways - these pillowcases are free but you must pay for the postage/packaging for them to get to you - just $3 for the pillowcases. You can pay via direct deposit or Paypal.
To win them be the first to leave a comment and then email us at vintagefabricsatgmaildotcom with your payment preference and your Paypal email for us to invoice you (if that is your payment preference)...good luck!
Sunday giveaway #1 - darling floral quilt

Our first giveaway for today is a darling quilt that would be perfect for a cot or as a playmat. We didn't make this - it arrived as part of a collection as is. Have no idea of era of manufacture...sorry! - could be modern or vintage.

It measures around 100cm x 100cm and is filled with wadding. As per all of our giveaways the quilt is free but you have to pay for postage/packaging. In Australia this is $6.50.

The first to leave a message gets the quilt - that's how easy our giveaways are!
Four more giveaways coming today - including mint old pillowcases and a retro 70s quilt top...
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Twitter - go on, be a twit and follow us!, actually. For the tech-head that he is J-man doesn't touch Twitter or Facebook or anything communicative like that...he just does the tech stuff online and keeps away from the emerging trends...unlike me who gets addicted to them one by one. I think I am a compulsive addictive.
Follow me if you like - I'm right here.
More fabric going up tomorrow and five giveaways tomorrow, as well - so stay in touch!
Friday, 15 May 2009
Our holiday home
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Catching up...

I have been getting stuff together to give away on this blog this Sunday. I've got mint retro pillowcases, a shabby cot quilt and some fabrics. The above shot is one of them. Quite dramatic, don't you think?

I have still been browsing through my old magazines. This one is an Atel advert from the 1970s (can't remember which mag I scanned this from). I love the Danish style furniture and all the Holmegaard - and is that Whitefriars glass I spy? I'd love a couple of metres of that fabric, too!
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Gorgeous mint Dunmoy linen tea towels
Arabia ruska coming your way

I finally photographed all of the Arabia ruska we're going to shove on ebay. There's a tonne of it - in fact, I reckon a complete set for at least four, minus the egg cups and cereal bowls(already privately sold). Stand by if you love Arabia...

Is this too much in 2009? Space age heaven

I am a total fan. If you'd asked me if I could live with an interior like this one just a year ago I would have said yes. Now that we're renovating our 70s home the answer is no. Minimalist design is good, methinks. But I do love those light fixtures!
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Giveaway #4 - dusky pink 180cm cotton

I have no idea when this one was manufactured - could be a modern reprint or a 70s cotton. It is a dark dusky pink base with tiny blue and yellow buds with green foliage. Very sweet. Quilting weight.

The fabric measures 88cm wide x 180cm long. Photos show half of the fabric width and a close up. This is a giveaway - the fabric is free but there is a charge for postage/packaging. For Aussies this is $3. You can pay via Paypal or direct deposit.
First person to leave a comment gets this sweet fabric! Please also then email us at vintagefabricsatgmaildotcom with your payment preference and address...thank you!
This is the last giveaway for tonight - I overshot myself and just can't get the fifth up! Better next week, I promise :)
Giveaway #3 - two shabby crochet style pillow cases

As you can see these are lovely but just not our style! This giveaway is for two off-white/cream shabby pillowcases. The face is a crochet (machine or handmade I have no idea - I know nothing about this type of craft!) and the pillowcases are cotton.

It could be the crochet face has been machined onto a pillowcase backing? As you can see, the effect is lovely...very homely indeed! Each measures 42cm x 62cm.

We are going to be giving away a lot of stock and even though we'd love to cover the postage we can't! - sorry. If you would like these pillowcases postage/packaging for Aussies is $6.00 (they are too thick for letter rate). You can pay via direct deposit or Paypal if you'd like...
First person to leave a comment gets these fab pillowcases! Please also then email us at vintagefabricsatgmaildotcom with your payment preference and address...thank you!
Giveaway #2 - vintage fruit and flower cotton - 132cm long

This is our second giveaway for today. It's a vintage light cotton featuring fruit and floral clusters. The photos show half of the width and a close up. Predominant brown, orange and dusky pink colourway. The fabric measures 108cm wide x 132cm long.

We would love to be able to offer all of this stock and also cover the postage costs but we can't. This item is available to anyone, anywhere but please note there are postage/packaging costs. This item will cost $4.00 to send Australia-wide - the fabricis free! Direct deposit or Paypal is fine. If you live outside of Australia postage charges will be determined after you have left your comment.
First person to leave a comment gets the fabric!
Giveaway #1 - old Myart? embroidered deer with fawn

We have decided to change our giveaways as giving away one piece a week is driving me nuts. We have been realistic in recent weeks and acknowledge we have too much stock and not enough time to list it all in the neat future. So we are going to put several giveaways up on this blog each Sunday arvo/Sunday evening - and it's a first in best dressed policy. First to leave a message on the post gets the item! Most of the giveaways will be fabric or linen with the occasional different piece - this is one of them.

This is an old piece of embroidery on brown calico cotton. The bordered area measures 34cm wide x 46cm long, but the cotton is much bigger. It has a stamp '2403 Manufactured in Australia' along the side.
We would love to be able to offer all of this stock and also cover the postage costs but we can't. This item is available to anyone, anywhere but please note there are postage/packaging costs. This item will cost $3.00 to send Australia-wide - the embroidery is free! If you live outside of Australia postage charges will be determined after you have left your comment. Please leave your country in the message!

If you would like this piece be the first to leave you name in the comments section and we'll be in touch regarding payment (Paypal or direct deposit is fine) and to get your address etc..
More fabric etc coming later today!
Giving away five fabrics tonight
I am on Twitter. Obviously I am a nut to give myself extra work - but there you go, follow me if you will. Box on right somewhere - click on the link and there I am, in all my banal wonderfulness!
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Arabia ruska and the expensive kitchen

It's amazing what these magazines put in their photos of 'kitchens' etc. I say kitchens lightly as please don't try and convince me this kitchen has been decorated for the photo shoot. Or perhaps not. Perhaps I am jealous!
How's the purple Homlegaard vase on the top shelf next to that kooky bird? I love the vase - the bird can be tossed. And the Finel pot, Arabia pot and the Ericofon!! LOVE And love the Arabia ruska on the bench. We're going to be selling off a lot of Arabia ruska on eBay this week. We got rid of a lot at the Mill Markets and now it's down to the last billion pieces. We use it every day but these pieces are excess and I am tired of keeping clutter when I don't need to. So out it all goes. BTW - will be having a free section on this blog soon. Yes - a FREE section. If you want fabric and other stuff you can have it - all I ask is you cover the postage, that's all :). That's on top of our giveaway, too! Lots of things happening around here!
Friday, 8 May 2009
Psychedelia, man! Trippy vintage fabric

I love this piece. I would prefer it was cotton but a knit is good, too. Recent new arrivals here....and lots more to come...
Have a lovely weekend to one and all!
Space age story - 1968

This is a lovely little article in the Feb 1968 Australian Home Journal. Interesting to see the space age idea isn't as 'space age' as you would think. Love the mono Marimekko fabric on the couch and the flouro pink/red rug - very cool! Story below...

Thursday, 7 May 2009
From the sublime to the ridiculous in 1968

Does your life ever go so far off course you feel like you're on a horrid sidecar ride at the annual show and you're whirling around all confused and agitated by all of the noise and you can't seem to find anything that feels like home. That's me at the moment. Something to do with my poor body being dehydrated earlier this week and putting my system out of whack. So - what does one sidecar riding dehydrated sick woman do? Read the vintage mags, of course.
These scans are from the Australian Home Journal, Feb 1968. I particularly love the above Marion Best advert. It's only a small one - around 12cm high x 7cm wide, but due to the fabric (!!) it speaks to me. This is the gorgeous Kaivo by Marimekko draped on a mod girl. Sublime.
And then we have the ridiculous. This kitchen is, quite frankly, hideous. It's a scan from the article 'The Animal Look'. This kitchen features kizard-skin wallpaper, a Wilson's crown vinyl, at $7.50 a roll. Black and brown estapol has been mixed to match the wallpaper and used to frame the (hideous) surface. And look at that lobster sitting on that chopping board. Lizard skin and lobster just don't mix - is the wallpaper meant to make the lobster look more enticing or is it the other way around?
That's 1968 for you.