Sunday, 18 April 2010

Green cleaning...

Sunday is my day to get up early and let the man sleep in. I quite like Sunday mornings - I grab the Sunday papers off the lawn (ahem...weeds), make a vanilla coffee, get the kiddies their Weetbix and toast and settle down to have a read. Then, while the boys are amusing themselves, I catch up on a little tidying, washing and cleaning...

Today the games room shag rugs are out on the line getting some fresh air and sunshine. I love watching them in the sunlight. That room has a double later of shags - I put the red one on top of the slightly larger white one for a la retro effect. But I think the red one is just about to make it's way into our's my favourite...

Cleaning is easily done in this household - we use one product only. 100% pure eucalyptus oil is my cleaner of choice. We clean benches, baths, mirrors, floors, toilets - everything - with it. You can get it at any supermarket in Australia (not sure about overseas) for not much more than those horrid chemicals in the cleaning aisle. The versatility is amazing - put on cuts, scratches, soothe muscles...I love eucalyptus oil, as you can tell. I would highly recommend using it instead of any other cleaner - and it sure does beat having a billion cleaners in the laundry cupboards...

Bah - the website is down - sorry, peeps! Oh well - I can control cleaning products but I can't control servers...

The sun is shining here - off to enjoy a slow Sunday. Have a great day, all!



  1. I hunted for a red shag for a long while...still no luck!
    Yay for eucalyptus oil, I really need to use it more.

  2. I would love to follow this tip and use nothing but eucalyptus oil (don't like nasty chemicals either) but I'm not a big fan of the smell :(

  3. That it is a pity - have you tried Tea Tree oil? Apparently it has the same (or very similar) properties and is readily available in supermarkets...I would use that but I don't like the smell of it :)

    Hey Zofia - it's the one I covet! I have sold two brown ones and our orange one - but the white ones and the red ones have my heart :) - good luck searching...

    Have a great week!
