Am just about to put some fabrics up in the website - yay! I am functioning today :)
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Anyone recognise this vintage cotton fabric?
Am just about to put some fabrics up in the website - yay! I am functioning today :)
vintage fabric estate
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Beautiful vintage cottons...and bricklayers...
I photographed others but just haven't blogged about them. Hopefully I'll get them into the shop either tomorrow or Friday. I have lots to do before the weekend - we're getting a skip to get rid of stuff (I have having a massive environment cleanse!) and a gardener is coming to clear the front of the house (it's horrid - you should see it!) - all of the garden beds and lawn etc - ready for a sustainable and water friendly rock and native garden. Next I need quotes off bricklayers to build a front fence (high as we can) and brick off one side of the garage - anyone know who expensive brickies are?? Are there any questions we should ask him/her to get the job done quickly and done well?
When the fabrics are available they will be here.
vintage fabric estate
Monday, 28 July 2008
Did you feel the earth move?
Saturday, 26 July 2008
House and Garden 1974 - Florence Broadhurst and the Atomic coffee maker
I have a fascination with old advertisements. These two are the pick of the crop of the (now famous) Australian House and Garden 1974 magazine. There are lots of others to view so I may pop some more up later on...but for now...enjoy two advertisements, one for the Atomic Coffee Maker by Bon Trading Co and one for Florence Broadburst...
Anyone who loves mid-century design loves the Atomic Coffee Maker. I have a brown one - well used and abused, but still wonderful. It is a genuine original coffee maker - not one of these Chinese fakes that are now so popular on ebay. They are sold as original and vintage (mostly without the top label - people say it 'wore' off etc) and buyers pay hundreds for a fake. I wonder if they are as good as the original. Mine weighs a tonne for something so small. I shall take a shot of it for you if my memory functions one day :) A search on ebay australia for Atomic Coffee Maker brings up these listings if you're see how much they have recently sold for click here. Look at that original one, mint in box - $1200.00! Anybody got one?
The Florence Broadhurst advertisement is one of a few I have. I love these old advertisements that feature photos - look at that fab photo of her! She was a woman - and designer - well before her time and I am often saddened that she passed before she could see how her designs are now adored and loved worldwide. Before her murder in 1977 her wallpaper designs were very popular in Australia and in select pockets internationally, but if she could ever have forseen just how much her amazing designs have influenced modern textile, wallpaper and interior design I think even the flaming-redhead would have been amazed. We have one piece of original Wilson printed Florence Broadhurst fabric in our private collection - Yvans Geometric. You ca view the fabric here at Signature Prints - the fabric is manufactured by them and retails for $143 a metre. While you're there have a look at some of her other designs and marvel at the imagination of one of the world's most amazing interior wallcovering/matching textile designers of the 20th century...
retro advertising,
retro interior
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Meme - 35 questions

I have seen this meme around the blogland traps and just read Jhoanna's answers, so thought I may do my own :)
1. Where is your cell phone? Unknown
2. Your significant other? Justin
3. Your hair? Brown
4. Your daughter? None
5. Your son? Two
6. Your favorite thing? Family
7. Your dream last night? Police
8. Your favorite drink? Coffee
9. Your goal? Happiness
10. The room you’re in? Loungeroom
11. Your church? Buddhist
12. Your fear? Sharks
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Retired :)
14. Where were you last night? Workroom
15. What you’re not? Fragile
16. Muffins? Date
17. One of your wish list items? Tattslotto
18. Where you grew up? Melbourne
19. The last thing you did? Breastfed
20. What are you wearing? Black
21. Your TV? Sony
22. Your pets? Cats
23. Your computer? Portable
24. Your life? Wonderful
25. Your mood? Pensive
26. Missing someone? Justin
27. Your car? Camry
28. Something you’re not wearing? Engagement ring
29. Favorite store? Supermarket
30. Your summer? History
31. Like(love) someone? Boys
32. Your favorite color? Orange
33. Last time you laughed? Today
34. Last time you cried? Today
35. Who will repost this? Unknown
Am home today with a sick baby :( - so back to Tessa and other retro stuff tomorrow...
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
A worldwide call - do you recognise this vintage fabric?
I'll get back to the Tessa and fab retro mags tomorrow - but for now, an important call to all you vintage fabric lovers right around the world.
I had a lovely lady contact me yesterday with the following wish:
"if you recognize the material in the curtains or the dress im wearing.
the picture was taken between early 60’s…I was born Dec 1957, and I think
im between 2-3 yrs old, and lived in Hutchinson, Kansas at the time….
thank you so much for responding… My mom has passed on, and I would really
like to get this fabric…."
Get your heads out of your fabric stashes and into your resource books - anyone is the USA recognise this fabric? I think you would make a lovely lady's day if you go...Thanks for all of your responses to the Tessa post - I can't believe they still make furniture...and I agree with one of the comments - it's gorgeous! Back to all of this tomorrow...
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Retro chairs and advertisements from House and Garden 1974
I might try and learn how to use our scanner (J is a computer geek so why should I learn how to use it all when I can call on him LOL) - there's some fab bread recipes and instructions on how to make your own modular lounge....ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
retro advertising,
retro interior
Monday, 21 July 2008
Australian House and Garden 1974
Lots more to come - fab shots of chairs, rugs and great advertisements...until tomorrow, bye for now! Enjoy this little kitsch interlude...
retro advertising,
retro interior
Sunday, 20 July 2008
When life goes kerthud...
No joy.
Everything has gone black.
I am having trouble feeling.
One of my oldest friends is stuck in New York (she just got a job at an ad agency) and is just about to get a cab to get the airport to get a plane back to Paris (where she lives) for a biopsy on her throat.
The NY emergency department repeated one word over and over. Cancer. Cancer. Cancer. She needs to be urgently checked by a specialist. Tuesday is the day.
My life is on hold until Tuesday.
She is 32.
She is so wonderful.
She is one of my closest friends. The ones where your life wouldn't be so rich without them.
I am with you, mate. Take care sweetheart. Sending you all of the things most positive in the world for it to be just a virus. Yes, a shitty virus. A naughty virus.
My heart is so sad, so broken.
I'll be there on Tuesday :)
To those of you out there in blogland please give yourself, your kiddies, your husbands and wives, your Mums and Dads, your brothers and sisters, your friends one of the most heartfelt hugs you can find. Tell them you love them. Tell them they make your world. Remember to tell each other just how much your adore them...
I adore you, Sam.
And as I always say...
we'll be right
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Gorgeous vintage fabrics going up for sale...
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
Powerhouse Museum online sampler book filled with vintage fabrics

Isn't this wonderful? The Powerhouse Museum has collated its vast collection of antique fabric samplers and offered them online as a sample book. The swatches are wonderful - and you can zoom so far into the weft and warp that you can see weave, effect and fibre (almost!). The samplers are dated 1830s to 1020s and is available to view here.
BTW - I wouldn't recommend a garage sale unless you're willing to see all of your lovely items (that we shouldn't have sold!) up for sale on ebay. Hrumpf...dealers!
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Hmmm...secondhand dealers and garage sales...
Well, to start things off it took us much longer than anticipated to get all of our stuff together. We're talking 'til 4am here. Inside. Outside. Inside. Outside. And we were freezing - it got down to around three degrees, I think. We now think we either a) had a lot of stuff or b) we were really disorganised! At 4am we were satisfied we had it all under control so we toddled off to bed to get up at 5.30am for some brekkie, coffee and to start lugging it out our open garage. The ad in the paper said starting at 8am, but we figured the desperadoes would start at 7am.
Boy - were we wrong. Totally wrong.
At 5.45am - yes, 5.45am - the first van turned up and out popped two dealers with torches in tow. Would we mind if they had a look at our stuff while we sorted it out. We were so shocked we said, "we suppose". While they were rifling through things FIVE MORE VANS TURNED UP BEFORE 6.15am. Sorry for the yelling - but, gosh - how bad is that??? We were still in the pitch blackness of night and I had something like 10 people rushing around the garage, driveway and grass rattling things, talking etc and flashing their torches everywhere like some alien hunters out of the X-Files. All I could do was worry about the neighbours (who later told us they thought we had possums). And I was so peeved I didn't haggle and told them all they could buy whatever they wanted at a price we wanted. 'Nough said - so they all bought up, loaded their vans and drove away. By 6.15am were had some around half of our stock and we weren't open 'til 8am!
The most hilarious offer? A woman rifled through all of the fabric I wanted to sell - a massive box load worth a tonne, even to dealers etc. She hissed and tut-tutted her way through it. I wanted $1 for big pieces and 50c for small pieces - just a token, really. I had secretly hoped a seamstress would wander in and want it. But this woman pounched on it. She came up to me and said in quite a loud voice she would give me $5 for the material as it was all dirty and cheap and it wouldn't sell for the rest of the day. She didn't know what came across her when I calmly told her what fabric it was and if she wanted it she could have it for $10 and to enjoy onselling it at the market. She took it for $10 - a steal! - and stalked away with it all. Sigh.
To cut a very long (and freezing) story short, it was an experience, I tell you. We sold a tonne and were very happy, but my view of secondhand dealers (and I am one myself, as I have to be registered here in Victoria to sell vintage fabric) has diminished somewhat. Do you have to be so desperate to turn up at 5.45am (apparently you can get the paper around here from 4.15am) and just walk on up to people potttering in their garages in the dark, thinking nothing was wrong...seriously, we were dazed and confused with the onslaught of dealers desperate to get stock at good prices.
My parting shot should be shame on you, but as Justin says, that's the life some people choose to live and everyone has the right to earn a living. Yes, I know, I say - but at 5.45am can't people even have some manners??
Have a great weekend all!
Thursday, 10 July 2008
Returning to vintage fabric work...
If you want to view these fabrics when I finally get them onto the website you can view them here.
new arrivals,
vintage fabric
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