Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Sustainable Monday - on Tuesday

Time has gotten away from me this week. I missed both Sunday's and Monday's blog thingies - oh dear! Never mind...

The first of our vegie patches is going in, as you can see above. This is quite a mammoth plot, but it's hard to tell in that photo. Every worm we come across is lovingly being immersd in the soil - every snail we find goes...ahem...over to the neighbours....

Our first compost heap is around a week old - it's amazing how much it has already grown! We have turned it over once or twice to keep the air going through it and have already found so many good little critters breaking everything down.

We have put in layers of kitchen scraps (no bones or meat - or dairy, if you don't want vermin), shredded paper (all of our mail with our names and any other personal details on it) and dried garden leaves this week. It already smells like soil. Next I'll be adding some straw - and then it's basically back to the start (manure) again. Easy so far!

And we have been keeping a watchful eye on our community of late - keeping an eye out for local produce and other handmade goodies. I am now buying local free range eggs and lettuces (before I grow my own!) and picked up three beautiful aloe vera plants from a lovely lady selling them in her trailer in her front garden (in her dressing gown). I was wrapt when I drove past and spied them - I love the soothing relief the aloe vera gel brings...

And don't forget Earth Hour is on Saturday 27 March at 8pm. We're making it a fun night with the kids - I am enjoying teaching our sons about our earth and reusing and saving what you can.

PS. I am keeping up with my decluttering goals - the house is now 50% done! Gee it's feeling good :)

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