Vintage scrap pack - sold out...
Just a quick blog today - sorry! I have tonnes to show you but not the time today - so I thought I would leave a friendly reminder to leave a comment to win a vintage fabric scrap pack here!
It felt like I was dancing all day, but in actual fact we were rushing about finishing flatterning our front garden for some dirt and rock deliveries, finishing our courtyard for a pending pergola and paving and then...yes....drum roll, please....I cooked the plum pudding. Five hours after putting it on to the low boil we had a house smelling like Christmas and a delicious soft plum pudding cooling in the pot. It'll be 'fed' until Christmas Day (brandy is the food of choice) and then devoured with custard and cream...
As I found this pic on Flickr I'll put the plum pudding recipe up on the blog seperately...
Lots of new fabrics coming your way this week - I have finally booked them all in! Yes - some were in storage for more than three years...but...well, I got there in the end!
But before I start my tranquil evening (see post below) I just had to show you these amazing bird houses! Gretchen has the most amazing creative talent! Click on the link to visit her Flickr and enjoy her world...
Serenity is my aim this evening. We're off to enjoy each other's company, soak up some silence and lay still for a little bit...
I hope your find some serenity in your day today!