Wednesday 23 June 2010

Building the sustainable garden...

I had a strangely productive day yesterday after completely losing my motivation. The cold is getting to me this year, I think. Overnight we're falling to 0 degrees and the mornings are tough - hard to motivate oneself when it's a little on the cold side, I think! So I decided to go out in the afternoon and tick off some other goals we have.

A trip to the local nursery was in order - I wanted to start our strawberry patch and, as you can't buy strawberry seeds, we had to purchase the seedlings. We bought three lovely punnets of healthy seedlings - hurrah! While we were there we purchased other lovely things we needed for our sustainable garden:

A bag of disease free garlic to restart our garlic bed. We already had one but we ate all of the garlic instead of sowing it - so we need to start afresh!

We also got three huge, ugly-as-anything rhubard crowns. They are beauties and will certainly grow into large plants. We love stewed rhubard and rhubarb pies - and I want to try rhubard yoghurt now that I have mastered making my homemade yoghurt.

Lastly, we purchased two established blueberry plants. I must learn how to strike a plant from a cutting - I wanted more plants! But two is good to start with, I think...

And then it was a quick trip to the local farm supplies store for some fresh straw - we bought a bale for the chickens and to line the strawberry patch. If you line your strawberry patch in straw you'll get clean fruit...

So - even though I was completely unmotivated in other areas - for the garden, I achieved much! Everything shall be planted today...can't wait for the fruit!

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