More vintage fabric news later - for now, I wanted to chat about our food...milk, specifically.
There is a new doco out called Food Inc - it's about how our food consumption has changed more in the last 50 years than in the thousands of years before that. This totally makes sense - we now lead fast-paced lives and the cheap fast food has played it's role in helping us to 'eat on the run'. We don't seem to have the time to cook in the kitchen, anymore, although I think that is changing...
Do you truly know where our food comes from? It's an important question for Justin and I - something we're working towards finding out (or providing for ourselves)...
We are working on making our list of our 'staple' foods and working out ways to either get a healthier alternative or how to make our own.
On that list is cows milk. Our family consumes lots of it every day - on our cereal, in our drinks, in my baking etc. It's definitely a staple in this household, but as we live in a town on a normal sized block we can't own a cow (and nor would we unless we had a farm). We also got to researching and looking up milk and what's in milk and where it truly comes from (after the cow). Justin, BTW, is partially lactose that I mean that if he consumes a lot of dairy, he gets a reaction...if he paces himself, he's okay.
We changed to A2 milk in the past year as it seems to be a purer milk that others on the market and Justin doesn't get a reaction from it. BTW, did you know that what you're buying is not just milk? Some Australian producers add thinners into the milk (they are legally allowed to without listing it on the ingredients) and then some producers add in milk solids to their milk. Yes - check out your ingredients. What you may be buying is milk with milk powder.
Then we researched raw milk - that's milk straight from the cow. Did you know that it's illegal here in Australia to sell straight cows milk? That's right - illegal. Our milk has to be pastuerised and homogenised before we can buy it. There is bacteria in cows milk and pastuerisation kills them - but it also changes the milk compounds. But the bacteria in milk is so rare and low that it doesn't even warrant mentioning a warning about consuming it...
All of this research led to me wanting raw milk - the benefits outweight the negatives, to me. Pure milk with all of natures goodness without being touched by man - with some bacteria, yes, but there's not much to worry about. So I Googled some more about how to find this illegal product and that led me to Organic Larder in Geelong and that led me to Schultz Organic Farms and their 'organic bath milk'....ahem....milk. You see, they have to sell it as bath milk to get past the, so silly, but true.
We ordered four litres of the 'bath milk' last week and are now complete converts, so we are now standard weekly 'orderers' for this product. It tastes divine, absolutely divine. We had forgotten what real milk tastes like. We did a taste test with other milks and there is no comparison. Yes, it is much more expensive (here A2 milk costs $4.99 for two litres - the Schultz Organic Bath Milk is $7.95), but that is a small price to pay for our health and our wellbeing, we think.
If you are thinking about your milk here in Australia I would highly recommend researching the product - milk is just not milk. It is so interesting...there is so much, as consumers, we don't know. But now I feel totally informed to make new, important decisions about our milk products purchasing...

Very interesting insight, I had to stop drinking normal milk about 5 years ago due to stomach upsets - and now drink soy milk instead. Tis crazy that it's illegal, might email Schulz and see if they have a stockist in Melbourne-town!
Hi Kate!
ReplyDeleteI am fairly sure they have stockists in Melbourne - or, at least, places where you can order it. Justin has been consuming it with no reaction at all - he is overjoyed, as he loves his milk!
Good luck...