I think I've had the loveliest weekend in a while - not that I don't usually have wonderful weekends...but, well, this one has been super sweet. I am sleeping so much better now that I have removed lots of caffeine from my diet - seriously, it does make a difference! I usually drink two coffees in the morning and I had some diet coke in the evening - not much, either. But now I have removed the diet coke and it's amazing what a difference it has made. I am sleeping so much deeper and I feel more rejuventated when I get up...try it!
This weekend was filled with lots of family time - we had guests, so it always makes for happy times and laughter galore. We worked some more on the front rooms, worked out superannuation (goodness!) and I rustled up our usually Sunday roast with yummy lamb, potatoes, sweet potato, carrots, pumpkin and peas. Sunday night and I'm completely chuffed and satisfied...
I hope you had a lovely weekend! Lots of vintage fabric coming your way this weekend - and there's some surprises in store for some lovely customers, too :)
Oh - and by the way - have you found the forum? Ze Pip-o-lada forum? It's my new home, I think :)

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