The lovely Pip over at yonder Meet Me at Mikes is hosting a reading club right now. I am debating whether to join or not - not because I don't want to, as I dearly do! - it's just the time issue. She pleads with us all to keep on reading and I absolutely agree - I read everything. Magazines, newspapers, blogs, books, manuscripts, plays, poetry...if there's wordage and a meaning I am reading it! I love language - and it's something I am trying to instill in my sons, too. Logie has been read to since he was months old and he adores his books...books are a lifetime love. The younger son loves eating them, ATM...
My current read is the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris, made famous by the series blockbuster True Blood...and that gorgeous Bill :) If you love a funny vampire book then you'll love these...

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