Sunday nights are always the same for us here...before we settle down for the evening, we always evaluate what we need to do on Monday...and usually that is a lot of wrapping and catching up on orders! Then we sit down with a quiet drink and catch up on a little bit of television - we don't watch television at all, but prefer to watch shows we like when we like a la TiVo. We've also been doing a bit of old movie watching of late - Random Harvest and Goodbye, Mr Chips have been recent loves. Next on the agenda is Mrs Miniver (yes - I love
Greer Garson!) and Gone With the Wind. We both love old movies and are keen to introduce them to our boys - our eldest has already watched
To Kill a Mockingbird and adored Scout's shenanigans and Boo Radley's soap people. There is so much more to visual entertainment than just letting kids watch something - it is quite exciting when you introduce them to something, don't you think?
These shots are from American Fabrics, volume 25 (1953) - sorry for missing some of the text...these are huge, thick books that don't take kindly to being laid out flat. I love the Liberty advertisement below - that photograph is pure romance!
And for those of you following the updating of our website listings, we are only around half way through migrating our fabrics into collections. We're doing a little every day and our designer is getting ready to finish updating our nav bar, but it will still take around another week for everything to be finished...