I am working with 2010. Sounds a bit funny, doesn't it? But I am. I am being particularly mindful of time of late and how goal setting can really set your dreams alight and living.
The first month of 2010 is almost up and I am just as motivated now as I was on New Years Day. I have accomplished so much this month - I am very proud of myself (I am a humble type o' person so that is particularly hard to write!) and I hope to continue on my path.
Without being too personal and getting nitty gritty, I have attained many goals I set myself for this month. Lots of self-loving with good, healthy food, lots of 'me' time, lots of 'family' time and lots of business time. All structured. All to a plan (apart from the family part - that is always wonderfully spontaneous!). I have worked at decluttering our home, we're clearing a large space for vegie patches and starting afresh with organic seeds. We're clearing the future, so to speak.
I wrote a list in early January of what I want from 'tomorrow'...here 'tis...
To be alive
To be happy
To be healthy
For my family and friends to be happy and healthy
To wake up excited
To find the beauty in things
To feel proud
To be free
To work for myself
To have abundant energy
Time to plan
Time to think and pause
A tidy and clean home
A decluttered mind
To smile a lot
To laugh a lot
To be optimistic and postive
Time to sit and appreciate my boys
Love given and received
Hugs, kisses and intimacy
I have many more hopes - especially for this wonderful world of ours - I am working on them as days go by...
Above all, the simple life is good for me :)
Thank you, Melinda!